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Structure of graphite crucible casting mold

To make a graphite crucible, you need a mold into which molten graphite is poured. Here are step-by-step instructions for creating such a form:

Choose the material of the mold. To create a mold, you can use a variety of materials, such as ceramics, sandstone, or special clays used for metal casting. It is important to choose materials that can withstand high temperatures.
Determine the shape of the crucible. For this, you can use ready-made models or create your own using clay or other suitable materials.
Create a form. Make a mold in the shape of the crucible using the material of your choice. Material is placed on the inside wall of the mold to create the desired wall thickness. Make sure the mold surface is flat and smooth.
Add an exhaust vent. Carefully drill a hole in the top of the mold. This will allow the gas to escape from the mold and prevent the crucible from cracking.
Prepare the mold for coating. To protect the graphite crucible from ambient air and prevent material from adhering to the mold walls, a coating is applied to the inner surface of the mold. It is recommended to use graphite paste or carburizing powder to create the coating.
After completing these steps, you should have your mold ready to cast your graphite crucible. Please note that the mold creation process may vary depending on the materials chosen and personal preference. For best results and to avoid mistakes, it is recommended to follow the instructions provided and consult an experienced professional.

Post time: Dec - 11- 2023